Who We Are

We Are Diverse But Not Divided


The Australian Autism Alliance was established in 2016 and is one strong voice for autism.

We are a diverse national network combining representative, experienced and expert voices.

The Alliance brings together key autism organisations representing people on the autism spectrum, their parents and carers, service providers and researchers who aim to realise the potential of autistic Australians.

Through our activities, we are seeking to add unique value to the lives of people on the autism spectrum in Australia.

Our Strength


Together, our participant organisations currently:

    • Reach over 170 000 people through our communication channels and have strong on-line communities
    • Provide direct support to over 30 000 people with autism across the lifespan from early childhood to adulthood
    • Operate 230 service outlets across Australia
    • Employ in excess of 3 000 staff across the country
    • Employ, or provide pathways to employment, for 350 autistic adults
    • Contribute significantly to the Australian economy by generating and delivering an estimated $200m of supports and services
    • Build capacity of the broader community through training and advisory services for over 60 000 people per year
    • Have significant national and international linkages for advocacy, research and service delivery

Our Values


Individually and collectively, we have a clear vision of where we are going. We develop considered strategies to improve the life chances of autistic people and facilitate collaboration within the autism community. We focus on solutions.

We are a diverse network operating across Australia and are committed to achieving common goals through co-operation. Embracing difference and diversity is integral to our success and the success of the autistic community. We are one team. We build trusting and respectful relationships. We move past personal agendas in favour of a common agenda to ensure collective impact.

Together we operate with determination and persistence. We are ambitious in our commitment to listen carefully and respond to the needs and expectations of our communities. We seek to ensure the inclusion and participation of autistic Australians.

Individually and collectively, we take responsibility for achieving the objectives of the Alliance and treat each other and our stakeholders with respect regardless of status. We hold each other accountable and act with openness, integrity and trust. We are informed by evidence.

We believe in dignity, equality and the inherent worth of people. We honour human rights in our relationships and acknowledge the unique backgrounds, viewpoints, skills and talents of everyone. We value every voice as we create one strong voice for autism.

Our Partners


We continue to have discussions with other organisations to ensure broad representation



Our Supporter


Our Background


Every organisation has a story… here is ours.
In August 2015, the Australian Advisory Board on Autism initiated an invitation to key autism groups to establish the proposed “Australian Autism Alliance” – a pioneering network of organisations seeking to add unique value to the lives of people on the autism spectrum in Australia.

It was recognised that there was a need to bring together key autism organisations representing people on the autism spectrum, their parents and carers, service providers and researchers with the common aim to realise the potential of autistic Australians.

The Australian Autism Alliance was formally established in August 2016 to be one united voice for autism.

Learn more about the Australian Advisory Board on Autism.

Register to become an Australian Autism Alliance Ally

Last updated on Friday 17, 2023
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